Group Individual Map

The results for the Individual part of the Group Map, i.e. the report that each individual in the group receives about themselves, contains the same content as the Individual Map.

The Group Individual Map has a place during signup for a Group Name. This name appears in the report as the name of the Group so use a full name for your group rather than an abbreviation.

Group Maps

Group Maps aggregate the results of Group Individual Maps and the aggregate is sent to your Member's Page. The aggregation is carried out serially as each member completes the mapping process. The number of members included in the aggregate is included in the report. You can review the results on your Member's page at any time no matter how many of your members have completed the report (go to and enter username and password). Your group leader should let you know how many people to expect in the aggregate so you will know when to regard your Group Report as complete.

Even after completion new members can be added and the Group report will continue to aggregate. You can see changes as you add new members over time. In essence you create picture of group culture over time. There is no cost to existing members for accessing this new information over time.

Individual Group Map Retake

After some time period e.g. after development programs or some significant change in your group it is helpful to retake the map. This Retake version of your group map helps you to compare the changes in your map and relate them to the development process or changes that have occurred in your life. These changes are not yet computerized but you can enroll in webinars with small groups, or receive individual counseling in order to understand them.

Group-Data Map

Colors are not the only way to access the fractal pattern of AIC powers. Any data produced from a meeting, workshop or conference that lists priorities can be coded into colors and entered into the AIC Mapping Process. The Sample Maps {under construction} section gives illustrations. There is only one charge made for the Group-Data Map. The Map is then available to anyone to whom you make its password available


Culture-Data Map

Culture data maps are produced in the same way as group maps. They often use surveys to provide the data for coding into AIC powers. This provides a very economical way of producing a culture map form relatively small amounts of information. For example the Millennial Map in the Sample Maps {under construction} was constructed from an IBM survey of 3,600 millennials globally. It summarized the report with nine adjectives that millennials and executives prioritized differently.


For assistance in using any of these maps e-mail William E. Smith